Archives for category: Knit

It’s been a while, and a lot has happened… As it should.

In late June I visited a dear friend in a small locale of Kansas and unexpectedly fell in love with a man I met that evening.  From there everything went into a quick frenzy of activity.  After a few weeks of traveling the two hours back and forth each weekend, and my desire to begin grad school, we decided I would relocate.

At this point, I am living in Manhattan, Kansas home of Kansas State University and am enrolled in one course this fall with the goal of beginning grad. school for my Masters of Science in January 2011.

My apartment is a small “hobbit hole” basement with exposed limestone and pine paneled walls, complete with an under the stair “Harry Potter” style storage space.  I have yet to finish the arranging of furniture or hanging of art, but when I do there will be photos.

My studies will focus both on the application of my fibers/textile undergrad  degree by learning methods of flat patterning as well as draping, while also examining the marketing and production side of textiles and apparel with a direct focus on fair trade, cooperative productions, and ecologically friendly processes.  I am excited about the socially responsible direction I am taking as well as the new understanding of apparel design.  This semester will be a study of pattern-making and garment design, my posts will most likely reflect that (I am also contemplating a fashion blog combined with sketchbook, not very original as a blog, but as far as submitting it as my sketchbook for the course it shows a different level of initiative.)

I have a variety of projects that I am working on as well as planning for this fall and winter and look forward to sharing those with you.  Currently, believe it or not I am finally finishing the anthropology inspired knit capelet project.   A new spray paint and stencil wall art is forming over the top of a long forgotten painting.  And I am also beginning work with a dear friend on a fabric line, poor thing she is waiting on my life to settle down before we push ahead.

Regardless, I am off to do homework as well as unpack.  I have left my studio space to be the final frontier of unpacking, I sadly report that my space has shrunk and I will have to get creative on how I can use it.  In the meantime, this is what you have missed, my fault not yours.

Amy and Victor were married in Salina, Kansas on June 26.  I made them a simple paper-cut card,  Amy’s response “What do you do all day sit around vomiting creative things, that’s what I expected.”

A Simple Papercut Wedding Card.

I designed and sewed this new Kindle cover, it features Amy Butler Fabrics, a Hand quilted exterior fabric and a small interior pocket.

Designed and Sewn by Erin Myone.

Hand Quilted Exterior.

My Simple Father's Day Papercut.

My Honey Hand Warmers.

I just finished one of my long delayed knitting projects.  My hand-warmers, or  honey hands as I like to call them.  They are a yarn called Qina by Mirasol which is a bamboo-baby alpaca blend and they are delightfully soft.  The pattern is by A. Brinkman and is available on ravelry (search: Basic Handwarmer).  I knit them entirely on a pair of 9″ size 6 circular needles, including the thumbs.  I can’t wait until it gets cold again, strike that I can wait!  It’s time for summer and I am itching to move on to my summer projects.

Speaking of honey, I purchased a once a day lotion bar from Koelzer Bee Farms at the Sparks Flea Market, and I can’t get enough.  I chose a bar with fragrance and I love it, the scent is strong but not obnoxious.  The lotion is made from shea butter, bees wax, cocoa butter, and coconut oil and comes in a bar form.  With a few rubs a day your hands will be free of cracks and super soft.   The lotion is said to have other benefits but I have yet to test these as I haven’t had any bug bites or stings yet this summer, knock on wood.  Anyway, I am loving this stuff and their lip balm so I thought I would share.

Back to the to-do list, I just love crossing things off.

I apologize, again! I am a sap for springtime weather and it has been absolutely lovely outside!  The wild tonk and I have taken to the park paths for short runs, I have been trying to regain my bicycle butt, and all the windows are wide open for the gentle breeze.

The projects that can be carried, have been carried.  In fact, last Friday I carried my “slouchy tam” knitting project to the front lawn of the Nelson Atkins Fine Art Museum  for an afternoon of sunny knitting accompanied by wine.  I completed this project yesterday, and began immediately on another “winter” knitting project that I previously postponed, the “Basic Handwarmer” by A. Brinkman on ravelry, which are coming along smoothly.

The start of one of my "Honey Hands" Handwarmers.

I’m not sure why knitting has suddenly taken a front seat to sewing, possibly it is due to my dawdling early in the year and the extreme accumulation of yarn and unfinished projects… Either that or I am holding out for my free fabric from the contest I won.

In the meantime I am perusing a few books for patterns including “Weekend Sewing” by Heather Ross, which is chalk full of quick and attractive sewing projects, another book I am perusing is “The Best of Sew Simple Magazine” which also has me pretty excited for a few new patterns.

I continue to sew my little 3-d butterflies and can’t wait to show you what I’m using them for.  They are simple, yet darling as far as a cute little spring effect.

Also, check out the very old elastic I was gifted from my mother’s old sewing box (this item was probably gifted to her from my grandmother.)  The label on the elastic is a tin foil press.  It was so darling I had to keep it.

Notice the price!

There is still time to sign up for the “Sweet Chemise” sewing class at Urban Arts + Crafts, which I will be teaching on April 17.   The class uses a simple pattern with shoulder ties and French seams in a voile fabric print designed by Anna Maria Horner.

And finally, something lovely to leave you with, tulips… Shana at Shana Vaughn Designs, a florist in Briarcliff Village, is currently selling ten tulips for $12.99!!! This excellent sale will be going on through mid May, and I plan to take full advantage.  A little hint, she receives her finest color shipments on Monday so the flowers will be freshest and you will have the most choices if you shop early in the week.

I know, I know! I have been slacking, again!  But I have some excellent excuses, for one spring is finally setting in and I can’t bear to spend my time inside when Tonk and I could be out and about on adventures… Such as when we walked the six blocks to the Nelson Atkins Art Museum and spent the afternoon on the lawn enjoying the sun, the grass, and a splendid game of frisbee.

Beyond this I am very diligently trying to finish some of my winter knitting before it becomes too warm to wear any of it until next fall.  I have switched gears mid-pattern from a test run of Inara’s slouchy hat to the Mermaid Slouchy Tam as posted on Craftster.  This seems a bit more my style and the mild color work has gotten me excited about working quickly to finish this project.  I also have finally found a pattern to work my thoughtless purchase of three skeins of waikiki in,  for this I will use the chevron lace pattern which can be purchased from Urban Arts and Crafts.   And I also plan to start and finish my gold handwarmers, admittedly I am working this project a little too late in the season, but at least they will be ready for next year!  As you can see I have quite a few knitting projects on my mind and felt I needed to focus there for a week or two to finish up a few of the loose ends.

I also have been working on my custom order, which I feel certain I have more of a mental block on than anything else preventing me from finishing…   I built a light box, and sadly discovered that my energy saving low wattage light bulbs are just not enough for the excellent photos I keep hoping for. I made mother’s day cards for my mom and grandma, early I know, but I was in the mood for some paper crafting.  I hung another bulletin board for project ideas and inspiration, this one is in the “craft” room right above the ironing board which makes it terribly handy.  I continue to work on my clutch/wallet (though not at all diligently.)  And I have begun my first small scale stationary expedition, I am making the bachelorette party invites for my B’s wedding as I am her MOH (wedding speak for Bride and Maid of Honor.)  I am nervous that they will match all of the other invitations and save the dates so well that they will not have a resounding “me” about them, but I guess it’s not my wedding.

Oy… I really dislike when the blog becomes a list of have dones and need to do’s, I am sorry I have been neglecting you, I have so much to share!  Unfortunately I will be off to Austin Texas this weekend for an exciting roadtrip to South by Southwest, so I will probably be absent again.  However, we have a give-away coming up so keep watching the blog because as soon as I get some lovely photos taken someone will be receiving a free spring ruffled apron.

Until then,


p.s. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Boutique Knits by Laura Irwin

The Book: “Boutique Knits”

The Author: Laura Irwin

The Selling Point: “20+ Must Have Accessories”

I do not yet consider myself to be an extremely talented knitter.  In fact I would still put myself in the beginner category, yes I can knit in the round, yes I can knit cables, yes I can read and follow a pattern, yes I understand gauge and the effect needles, yarn, and knitter can have on it… But still I don’t really consider myself to have the patience to jump into any knitting project that requires a great deal of time, attention, or initiative.

Therefor, the idea of 20+ adorable knit accessories seemed right up my alley.  Accessories seem small enough for me to stay focused and not quit halfway through, and when they are as adorable as those featured in “Boutique Knits” how could I say no.

The book features just what it promised, accessories that are attractive enough to be found in any upscale boutique.  Various hats, purses, gloves/mittens, and scarves are adorned with ruffles, braids, and unexpected chic adornments.  One evening I had the book with me at a get together and three out of four girls were sold on it just from a quick flip through the pages.  The fourth girl just isn’t interested in ruffles and girly adornment, her words not mine!

Having worked from the book now on a few different patterns I can say as a, previously discussed, “beginner” that Laura writes in a very understandable perspective and has a clear design standpoint for each piece.  That point being very feminine, often with a pleasantly vintage feel.  The projects are quick and simple with a wonderful ease rather than a forced impression.

Find more information about Laura Irwin and “Boutique Knits”  on Precious Knit.

Boutique Knits is published by Interweave Press.

My knit silk pin-cushion

You may have noticed my beautiful pin cushion in previous photos, this idea is from the Urban Arts & Crafts “Top Ten Quick Gifts Guide”.

For my pin cushion I used the recycled silk as suggested and knit 25″ of 8-stitch I-Cord on a set of 9″ circular size 6 U.S. knitting needles by the Chiao Goo brand.  The chiao goo circular needles are superior to most circular needles due to their ability to rotate the needle point on the connecting cable.  Also laser-etched into the side of the needles are the size so you will never be unsure.

After knitting the i-cord simply begin hand sewing the chord while coiling it like a cinnamon bun.  Then enjoy the feel of sticking all of your sharp and shiny pins into recycled raw silk…. yummm.

Pattern loosely based on the "Fawn Earflap hat" from "Boutique knits" by Laura Irwin

I recently celebrated Christmas with one of my close friends, yes, I am aware that it is nearly March.  On the other hand, receiving gifts throughout the year is just the kind of pick me up I can use.

So what did I give her? Following my handmade gift standard, I knit her a wonderful eggplant purple ear-flap hat (see my photos on and I also made her a tassel necklace.  While both of my gifts were well received and greatly enjoyed (she laughed, she cried, we hugged…) I would rather take this time to brag about her awesome shopping skills and show off my new treats!!!

I made the tassel necklace on the right.

First off, my friend is an extremely talented photographer so I was very excited when she agreed to give me a few of her prints.  She picked out a few for me that she had used special processing techniques on, and i also pulled a few of her throw back prints for my own stash!  So to plug her awesome talent, here is a link to her flicker!

She also “keyed” in on my small obsession with matryoshka dolls and got me some awesome little matryoshka  doll key covers! They are terribly cute and are in two colors a blue set and a red set, one for work and one for home!  I have been collecting since i was a kid and my parent’s took me and my siblings to see the czar exhibit, my collection is small but I guess for someone my age it seemed like an odd thing to collect… Though they are in recent years becoming quite popular as a design element.  Which leads me to the next part of my gift… Matryoshka measuring cup/nesting dolls!!!!

I was so excited about these that I took a small photo shoot for you all to enjoy!

I am the first to admit, writing a blog post is not at the top of my priority list this week!  I have so many things happening right now that I am having difficulties wrapping my mind around what needs to happen “now!”

This past weekend I made the big decision to convert the second bedroom in my apartment into a studio space.  I have been hoping to gain a roommate and subtract some rent for the past few months and have decided that I will make much better use of the space as a studio, rather than wait for someone else to lower my rent I’ll just raise my income (easier said than done.)  The move involved a lot of cleaning, I like to start with a blank *clean, shiny, smells-good* canvas.   So sticking with the idea of making money rather than losing money, I have been re-working my entire apartment to make my studio happen without additional purchases.  The wild tonk was not as excited about the moving furniture, or she was excited by it but not thrilled!  As her toy bin and favorite chair moved into my studio room, I honestly believe she looked between the two then up at me as if to say “Is this my room?  I’ll take it!”

My living room and dining room seem much more open now that I have swiped a bookcase, sling chair, loom, and printer cart, as well as the temporary items like the ironing table and dress form.  I opted to leave my sewing machine setup in it’s original location, at least until I have a smaller sewing table in the studio room.  I did however finagle a set of used shelves to stack my fabric on and a small filing cabinet to keep track of the business items as well as patterns, tutorials, and paper goods.  By finagle I of course mean finding goods along the road that neighbors were sending to the dump, re-use!  Look for photos soon when I am finished re-organizing.

Also in the works are a custom order, a private class and my own personal to-do list!

On the needles I have: the “anthropologie capelet” a free pattern via and a class we are offering at the store this spring, an i-cord pin cushion knit with recycled sari silk by frabjous fibers, as well as a trial slouchy hat (tam) pattern by the designer “inara” on…

Under the presser foot I have: a spring dress of my own design (I’ll definitely post photos to let you know how this turns out!), an envelope clutch handbag also of my own design (look for a tutorial soon!). I am also so desperate for spring that I have begun turning out little 3-dimensional fabric butterflies as wall decoration, I am popping out a few butterflies each evening and expect to have a flock by the time spring arrives!

I am still stamping away on valentines and am especially working on a few very special ones for my “darling valentine” and for my “I miss your face – long distance – valentine friend”.  These are proving both difficult as well as a lot of fun as I am pulling a lot of found objects into the mix!

I apologize for the lack of photos, they are coming!  I have excellent “noodle-doodles” to show from when I made a giant batch of chicken noodle soup entirely from scratch, my girlfriends were shocked to hear that I de-boned the chicken with my bare fingers, and rolled the noodles with a rolling pin then cut them by hand.  I also whipped up a quick and cozy chunky neck-warmer last week while waiting on the broth to simmer.  So look forward to many updates soon!  Until then, stay warm lovelies!